We all want to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe from COVID-19, and we all want to keep them safe financially and at peace.

We all know that scientists agree that our emotions related to money and therefore fears, frustrations, prevent us from sleeping, make good decisions, and plunge us into anguish and significantly affect our immune system and our whole life.

More than ever, the Money Mindset coaching stands out as a multiple major solution to ease our daily sustainably regulating emotions related to money such as stress, fear, anxiety, anger, frustration, resentment that surfaced in these times of deep uncertainty.

Martine Louis 33 years of experience in the finance industry and formed by Money Coaching Institute California, anime online training to teach you to identify your emotions related to money and to use the game of Archetypes to help regulate your emotional capabilities by yourself to yourself.

The objective of this training is to enable you to move from an emotional, cultural and financial fear, consumerism and lack, to a culture of love, clarity, gratitude, generosity and sustainability.

Join this webinar to understand your Financial Emotional Profile, and the proven ways to boost your immunity during and after the crisis.

16 Avr. 2020 08:00 PM

You can register here : https://us04web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8T0y4zlYSYmoJlZh-JX1Bg
16 April 2020 08:00 PM London
How Money can affect your Health? “The greatest Wealth is Health” Virgil

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